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Natifah’s research residency began to look at how the body stores histories (welcomed and un-welcomed) with fixed and pending origins.

With an interest in archiving, Natifah White uses this practice as a tool to capture both happenings in the body (through moulding materials) as well as conversations with fellow collaborators online.

Natifah is curious to explore ways in which archiving can exist beyond what we may associate this practice to be/do, where we imagine this spatially and who accesses it. Natifah wants to interrogate her own thoughts in relation to this as well as the understanding of historicization – a contradicting form both malleable and bound. Natifah is less interested in the outcome/aesthetic but instead, drawn to ideas relating to longevity.

Collaborators: Paris Williams and Bakani Pick-up

Click here to see Natifah’s memory scores as part of her research.
