FREE Rehearsal Space for Dance Artists
DanceXchange continues to invite interest from professional independent dance artists seeking in-kind studio space (up to 3 days) for the development of their creative practice.
Call out for independent dance artists
We understand the immense impact that the Covid19 pandemic has had on the independent sector and we are committed to supporting the important rehabilitation and creative support that artists need.
Space will be allocated for up to 3 days, (please note they do not have to be consecutive) between 20 October and 17 December 2021, for activity that fits the criteria below.
Please note that space is limited and will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
Activity supported:
- Research and development – space for dance artists wanting to go back to the studio to develop their creative practice
- Rehearsals – space for artists wanting a rehearsal space for their existing work
Activity must:
- take place within the period 20 October to 17 December 2021
- take place for a maximum of 3 days
- take place between 10am – 5pm. Please note, we can only allow one activity per day so applications making full/best use of the available time will be prioritised.
- be by independent professional dance artists based (and currently living in) in the West Midlands
- be for individual artists or groups up to a total of 20 people (invited). The activity lead needs to provide list of names of additional participants at the time of booking
- be self-funded
- work within our standard studio set up
- comply with our Covid-19 safety measures
Please note, due to current restrictions, we are unable to support activity that would require:
- members of public to be physically present (e.g. workshops, classes)
- varying groups in the space across one day (e.g. auditions)
- people to arrive and leave at different times of the day – you must enter and leave as a group
- use of props brought on site (unless agreed prior to arrival under certain circumstances)
- use of changing rooms
Covid-19 Safety Measures
Due to Covid-19, a range of protocols and procedures have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of all staff and artists using the space, including social distancing measures and all necessary cleaning regimes. These follow best practice in our sector, enable safe working within the Hippodrome campus, and are compliant with Government guidance.
We ask that all users of the space respect and adhere to these measures.
All individual users of the space must agree to:
- be able to show a negative Lateral Flow Test result on arrival, either by email or SMS from NHS Test & Trace – we cannot accept just seeing the actual test
- adhere to all DanceXchange Covid-19 safety measures, including hand sanitising on arrival, regular hand washing, social distancing in line with floor markings, and wearing of face masks in communal areas.
- complete a ‘Covid-19 and Risk Awareness Declaration’ form at the start of each day, to include track and trace details
- give contact details of all users of the space prior to arrival
- adhere to agreed set times for arrival and departure for their full group – you must sign in and out at DX reception whenever you (or your group) enter or leave the building
- come dressed in studio wear, as changing rooms will be closed
- wear face masks and use hand sanitiser if travelling to the studio by public transport, and only use public transport where necessary
Full guidance will be provided as part of the booking confirmation process, subject to the latest guidance.
- A lift will be available if required for access purposes. Please advise in your booking form if this will be needed.
Application and Selection
Please submit a DanceXchange Studio Request Form or a 2min video/audio file, covering the same questions:
- Details of the artist/activity lead
- Description of the activity (please refer to the criteria above)
- Who will participate in the activity (if applicable)
- Your available dates and ideal schedule (up to 3 days, Monday-Friday) between 20th October and 17th December 2021, please note that dates may be negotiated to accommodate as many requests as possible and ensure best use of the studio space.
- Initially, we’ll be accepting just one request per lead artist, but will let you know if we are able to offer more. This will be subject to demand.
- Studio requests will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis and we will confirm with you at least 5 days after your submission.
FILL IN A DanceXchange Studio Request Form Autumn 21
Please submit your request form to, with ‘DX Studio Space’ in your email subject line
We will aim to accommodate as many requests as possible, while aiming for a balanced programme of activity that aligns with the criteria above and makes best use of the studio space.
Please note, all studio activity will remain subject to the latest Government guidance and to the re-opening of the Hippodrome campus. We will do our best to keep you informed of any changes and developments, as the situation evolves.