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Yinka Esi Graves

Yinka Esi Graves is a British flamenco dancer and practitioner whose choreographic work explores the links between flamenco and other forms of corporeal expression from an African diasporic and contemporary perspective.

Having studied ballet and Afro-Cuban dancing in her youth, Yinka has dedicated the last 12 years of her life to flamenco studying at Amor de Dios in Madrid and later in Seville with artists such as La Lupi, Andrés Marin, Yolanda Heredia, and Juana Amaya.

After performing extensively in Spain and the UK, her choreographic work and unique way of working in and around flamenco has been featured at Sadler’s Wells (Sampled 2017), Dance Umbrella’s panel discussion Out of the System, Gibney Dance NY amongst others, reaching audiences nationally and internationally often taking flamenco into new spaces.

A Black flamenco dancer faces to the left with their black hair tied in a bun and wearing a beige slip dress dances on stage with a beige fan. Their arms are bent at dramatic angles and they are leaning back. The background is black, apart from a warm spotlight that shines horizontally onto the dancer.